8.8 °C

Observations are powered by Bushy's and Mr Kipling

About this weather station

Weather station information

  • Davis Vantage Pro ISS with added solar radiation sensor
  • Standard console inside for displaying data directly
  • Envoy unit and USB logging interface to connect to the computer
  • The computer is a Lenovo M630e with 4GB RAM and Debian Linux

System status information

  • Transmitter battery: OK
  • Console battery: 4.33 V
  • Server uptime: 304 days, 16 hours, 32 minutes
  • WeeWX uptime: 28 days, 14 hours, 48 minutes
  • WeeWX version: 4.1.1
  • Belchertown Skin Version: 1.2

Birdbox camera

This image comes from my garden birdbox.

Temperature inside the box is 11.5 °C, outside is 9.0 °C

The box is designed for bluetits and is based on an RSPB design.

It is extended to include an extra compartment under the nest chamber

The comparment contains an Adafruit ESP8266 Huzzah, connected by WiFi and running an SNMP server

which returns the values read from two Dallas DS18B20 sensors when polled by WeeWX

Video is streamed to the local network and a static image is periodically uploaded to the webserver using an Axis P7214 video server.

Live webcams (only on local network)